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“Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world...if you do so, you are insulting yourself.” -Bill Gates Now that's a powerful...
Destined For Difficulty
Say it ain't so! Life is supposed to be a breeze and when you become a Christian things are easy and sweet! I cry foul! If you've ever...
Do you let life tell you what to do or do you tell life what to do?
So many times people ask me "How's life treating you?" and while I know it's just another way of saying hello and how are you? It's a...
No matter how many times I mess up, He still loves me!
Have you ever made a certain mistake so many times that you wonder if God will forgive you for the last one? I’ll answer for myself… YES...
Newsflash!! Leaders Are Not Always Popular!
Like I needed to say that! However, many people want the prize of leader-ship without having to scrub the deck! So often I see people and...
Help Wanted!
No matter who you are or where you're from, you need help! Ecclesiates 4:9-10 says "Two are better than one, because they have a good...
Steady In The Storm
Have you ever noticed that storms usually don't happen until you make a decision to do something? Until you make an effort to go...
We can be kind in the midst of dis-agreement, it just takes more effort!
There are two different leadership styles - Autocratic and Socratic! the first one is who I used to be! That person is very dictatorial,...
The heart of serving means it's actually from the heart and the motive is not ROI (return on inv
I'm with my girls for the night in downtown Fort Worth, we are staying at the Omni together for a daddy/daughter night and then it's a...
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