No matter who you are or where you're from, you need help!
Ecclesiates 4:9-10 says "Two are better than one, because they have a good [more satisfying] reward for their labor; For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!"
I was with someone recently that had a very interesting statement tattooed across the tops of their fingers. "SELF MADE"! I understand the concept of the statement and actually it's a lonely one! Factually it's interesting because there is no such thing as anyone being "self made", right?! I mean, think of it, you can't birth yourself! You can't feed yourself when your a baby! The list goes on of the things you can't do alone. Marriage, children, friends, etc.
My point is that in order to do anything in life, it takes the cooperation of people. So why this Lone Wolf attitude that cries out "I pulled myself up by my own bootstraps!" I think it stems from hurt, disappointment and resentment which all curiously walk hand in hand and are manifested in the pride-backed statements that I have used. But my real point to this article is that if you want to get better, you have to connect with mankind to get there.
It's proven that the amount of weight that can be lifted substantially increases as the number of hands is added to the task! Ever heard the expression "Many hands make light work"? It's completely true! the more people you add to a task, the shorter the task becomes. Now imagine taking that attitude in a venture or massive project that stands before you, or let's say your call in life! Your vision to assist humanity and relieve the burden on so many! Everyone's call is different but, there should be one commonality to the call in anyone's life... The help others!
Now, since I'm a Christian, I subscribe to the doctrine of my hero, Jesus, who said the reason He came to earth was to serve mankind. It's simple in nature, He came to love other people and show them who God in Heaven was. He's a prime example of needing help and taking it! He would just go up to people and tell them "Follow me!" and for some strange reason they did! I mean, think of it, that's a strange way to recruit. To come out of nowhere and tell men who were in the middle of their profession to lay it down and become a follower of a guy who's party affiliation was alien to the political system around them. Jesus knew something though, "If I don't get help, I won't get it done!" So He reached beyond Himself and drew men in that others had discarded as useless or un-important.
Here's what I know and it's real simple. If I give others ownership in the vision God has given me then more can be accomplished. It's risky and messes will occur, but you can't build a house without cleaning up as you go! It's just the nature of growing into something wonderful! Jesus dealt with a lot of messes along His 3 years of ministry, but He never let the messes slow Him down or get Him off focus! I heard a quote recently "Don't let someone knock you off track who's not on one themselves!"
So as we got through his journey, lets do it together while we receive and give help! We'll get more done and change so many lives along the way.