Barry Tubbs, founded and launched The Way, a counter-culture church, in Granbury, Texas in 2009. He led the church for 10 years into experiencing the full Grace of healing and the realities of Heaven on earth. He has a passion to help people “taste and see” that life is good by showing them the path to their best life and leading them on the journey. He has a vision to see people discover love through genuine encounters with the extreme Presence of God. He loves to see people find their place in the world through discovering true identity, becoming strong and doing great things. He emphasizes people realizing their value in the pursuit of Grace-Filled Love. One of the greatest desires of his heart is to lead people to a place of impartation of the Life Giving Spirit so they can walk in that manifestation of true power.

He strongly believes that people should build a good community by embracing Jesus’ core value of serving others and giving life back by going out and becoming a demonstration of Love. He wants people to know that they are invited to live the life Jesus lived and do the things He did. Since transitioning in 2019, Barry has travelled and spoken in different venues from churches to meetings designed just for men. He carries a message of Grace and Mercy wherever he goes and sees everyday as an opportunity to reach the hurting.