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Get Over It
At some point in time we’ve all been told, “Just get over it!”Now, I’m not sure any of us really liked it when those orders, usually from...

Why Can't We All Just Get Along
Everyone has heard this from their parents, especially brothers and sisters! It is an interesting statement though when it comes to the...

Clear Skies Ahead
I’ve learned in life that if we will start paying attention to small details we can discover heavenly realities. It’s really the simple...

Original Ford Tooling
Ok, let me first say that this message might relate to men more than women, but I’ll try to be broader in my writing over the next few...

Us and Them
Something we all can fall into easily, is the trap of judgment! In one of U2’s latest singles, Invisible (RED) the song has in the lyrics...

How Many Times?
Have you ever made a certain mistake so many times that you wonder if God will forgive you for the last one? I’ll answer for myself… YES...

Gold, Glory and Girls! You can have it all! Really, you can!
I'm so looking forward to the comments on this one! It's been said for a long time that all minister's failures can be tracked back to...

Shooting Blanks
In all my life, the only person I can use as a good example is me. Because I know myself best and better than anyone else, so I’m using...

When I was asked to write these short messages for the paper, they said they were devotionals for people to read! Devotion, which is the...

Empty Seats In First Class
Empty seats in first class! For so long when I would walk by or see seats sitting empty in first or business class on a flight, I would...
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