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Get Over It

At some point in time we’ve all been told, “Just get over it!”Now, I’m not sure any of us really liked it when those orders, usually from a parent, were barked at us. However, if you take the corrective tone and emotional distress out of the equation, it’s really good advice.

I’ve noticed, in my short time as a pastor, that some people carry around more baggage than most of the major airlines combined! People tote around little “carry ons” and garment bags full of what happened in the past and allow it to determine their future. Now, let me be clear! I’m not saying the past isn’t real or means nothing! What I am saying is that for every person who claims to have received the Love of Jesus and live according to His Word, there’s no claim ticket for retrieving your luggage of the past!

When you board Jesus’ airplane, you leave all your baggage behind and while you are on the flight He provides you with a new kind of claim ticket!With this ticket though, you retrieve none of the heavy bags you were carrying before you got on board, what you do get is awesome and built just for you to carry. I’ll come back to that though!

I don’t care who you are or what you have accomplished or failed, the reality is that your past will cripple and keep you from moving forward to greater things. One person may have many victories, but if they keep lugging them around as badges of honor, they will end up being so weighted down they can’t move on. On the other hand, if someone who seems to have had failure after failure continues to carry that around into each new endeavor, they’ll be so burdened that they can hardly get up in the morning.

So you say, “What do I do?” Well, I’m glad you asked, and as stated two paragraphs ago I’m coming back to that “new” claim ticket you were given on Jesus’ Airlines! There are two scriptures in the bible I want you to see. The first states “Everybody who has a heavy load, come to me and I will give you rest, because my burden is easy and my yoke is light!” Jesus said that and the second is from Paul who said, “Forgetting everything that is behind me, I press toward the prize of my calling in Jesus”. Now, I paraphrased those passages, but it’s really close.

The answer to the heavy load you are carrying is 1) Get over what’s behind you, good or bad and 2) Let Jesus put the perfect load of His call on your life. It will loose you to live a life of freedom and security, knowing that not only has He custom made a plan for you, but also that He is right beside you, helping shoulder the load. Pursue God and Discover Your Good Life.

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​© 2017 by Barry Tubbs Ministries

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