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Heart revelation must be the source of our actions, not mental ascent!
Too many times Christians are limited in their walk with God because their mind limits the faith of their heart. We have to get to a...
Self Loathing and Self Pity!
Really there's no difference! Neither one are productive or lead you to a place of victory! I mean, let's be honest, we've all been...
"Thank you very much!" It's not said enough!
It just feels so good to say "thank you"! This small phrase carries a tremendous weight when it's stated from a place of authenticity!...
What's In A Name
Priority access, First class, front of the line, AIrpass! All these words are familiar to anyone who has done much traveling and they are...
No one else can own your mess!
I’m convinced that every time I was bailed out of a situation I was stunted in my growth to overcome on my own. Now I’m not saying I...
I can find the fault in you easier than me!
Too many times I have faced situations where I was very quick to find fault in others that should’ve well been assigned to myself....
Some people spend their whole lives regretting what they didn't do, where they didn't go, and who they didn't meet! Always looking back...
Social Media
For so long I've looked at Social Media and written it off, thinking "Hey, Jesus didn't have it so i don't need it!" He got everything...
Disagreement doesn't mean dis-approval!
I'm learning to value relationships more in my life, despite the fact that some relationships are more dis-agreeable than others! I have...
Can't We All Just Get Along?
Everyone has heard this at some point in time or maybe from their parents, especially brothers and sisters! It is an interesting...
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