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Steady In The Storm

Have you ever noticed that storms usually don't happen until you make a decision to do something? Until you make an effort to go somewhere, help someone or move a mountain!? It's about the time that you make a bold decree that storms seem to crop up!

Why? Well, I'm glad you asked! Hehe!

It's because we only get resistance when we run against evil in the world! I heard someone say, "If you're not running into the devil from time to time, maybe it's because y'all are headed int he same direction!" And it's true, the more you do to help folks, pursue Kingdom business or just try to be a better person, the more oncoming traffic you run into! Going against the flow isn't always fun, but it's the way we accomplish greatness!

With that in mind, I want to take a few lines to talk about someone who has shaped and influenced my life, not by just one on one time, but by the example of perseverance in difficult and treacherous times. My father, Barry Tubbs, Sr. is a man, that as I have grown in life have come to appreciate more and more. While many people can't say they have a good dad, I can say with firm resolve that I have the best! He is a stalwart example of something I'd like to call stick-to-it-ive-ness! I know, I know, it's not a real word but it's a real quality and this man has it!

He has been a leader for decades and many people consider him their spiritual father and some their natural father. He is a father for fathers, a leader of leaders and so humble that you'd never hear any of those things coming out of his mouth about himself. He's an amazing husband and good friend. I watched him stand by people through thick and thin, without casting judgment or condemnation. I've never, in my 44 years seen him smoke a cigarette, drink alcohol or ever use a curse word! Now he wasn't always that way, but since I've know him, that's been his life.

I'm not just trying to toot his horn and sing his praises, but what I realize is this, it can be done. Whatever "IT" is in your life that you want to do, you can do! There is not mountain too tall, no weight too heavy that cannot be conquered through the strength of Christ. And that's when his story changed! When he had a visitation from Jesus! That's right, Master Jesus himself came to the bed-side of my father and gave him a choice. Now, I can't tell the whole story because it's his to tell, but I can say without reserve that once you've had an encounter with God, you'll never be the same! Suffice it to say, my father chose Jesus!

To the title of this article, I have witnessed in my father's professional life, hard times, betrayal, false accusations and flat lies brought against him. What I have never seen is retaliation! I've never witnessed bad-mouthing or manipulation to make things turn his way, when he had many opportunities to do so. I have seen him stay steady like a rock, nay a boulder! When storms would beat against his life, no matter what they were, he would stand and allow Father God to defend him. It was never that he didn't want to react, it was just that he knew that their is strength in standing in the Covenant he had with Jesus. Now, I'm by no means saying he's perfect, we had a strained relationship for many years because of his life in ministry and my desire to live like a heathen, but through it all I knew he exemplified integrity. If he gave his word, then it was as good as done.

See, it's in the storm that we need the most reassurance that God is always with us. He said He would never leave us or forsake us, so why is it so hard to believe? Especially in those times when it's hard we must have that foundation of security in the Love of a Good Father, who is always on our side, even when we're the ones who mess things up. It's that realization that He's got my back, that brings you to a place where no matter what happens, He will take care of you.

That's how I feel about my dad! And because I know the secret of his life's stability, then I can give that to my family and those around me. You have access to the same resource and someone is looking to you to guide and love them through the hard times. God is so good, because no matter your background we all can tap His unlimited strength for our lives to get through hell and show others the way.

Hope this helps!


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