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The heart of serving means it's actually from the heart and the motive is not ROI (return on inv

I'm with my girls for the night in downtown Fort Worth, we are staying at the Omni together for a daddy/daughter night and then it's a week of serving for me.

About 9 years ago, I started driving for my dad at the Southwest Believers Convention. I simply drive one of the speakers around, back and forth to the meetings and take care of whatever they need along with my father. I find that it helps keep me grounded and puts me in a different capacity of serving. The first year I was assigned to drive Jesse and Cathy Duplantis and it's been the same ever since. He's truly a great man and acts like he does on the stage everywhere. They are truly generous people and love with all their hearts.

I can't number the times I've had to hunt them down because they go down to the lobby or walk around in the book-table area at the convention center to simply tlak to folks. I remember he told me one time, "Barry, it's all about the people! They spend money, take vacations and make sacrifices to be at this meeting and if they weren't here we wouldn't be here! Always remember the people!" I've never forgotten that statement because it's true! Actions reveal motive!

Amy asked me a couple of weeks ago, "What do you want, and why do you want it?" She was asking what are my motives and that is a question only I can answer honestly. Of course, God knows, but His knowing doesn't change my source of determination unless I let it. What I mean is that if He's the judge of my heart then it should matter what He's judging. What is my intent? What is my drive?

I used to be very self-motivated in everything I did, always thinking "How can I turn this relationship or encounter to my advantage!" I can tell you first hand that thinking that way will lead away from the heart of serving and wear you out mentally! It's much easier and more pure to simply love people for the soul purpose of loving them, because that's what Jesus did. He loved people because He was love, He served people because He loved it! It gave Him purpose and it became His legacy.

He said "I have not come to be served, but to serve!" and "I only do and say what I get from the Father!" So it stands to reason the Father is a servant! Imagine that, the creator of everything, the power of all heaven and earth is longing to serve humanity! That's big and it's also a checkpoint for everyone who serves because if He serves with no regard to Return On Investment, but simply because He is Love and Love serves, then why did I tend to always look for the angle?

Because I have to continually keep Self-Service in check all the times. When I do, the thing that I used to be motivated by, which was getting something in return actually gets satisfied with a pure heart of serving others. That's right, when I stay rooted in Love while serving and my selfish desire is replaced by God Motive then I employ the Seed, Time and Harvest principle which will bring my purity back to me in self-less acts of others.

I know it sounds like the pure motive may be the same as being selfish, but it's not, because you disregard the return of service from others with the pure joy of serving and it actually becomes addictive. And let me tell you, you can serve anyone in any way and even get creative about it; It becomes the desire of your heart, because it's the desire of His heart to serve you.

So start now! Find someone to open the door for, pay for someone's coffee, take someone's cart to the store for them or better yet take a few carts with you when you go to the entrance of your favorite grocery store. Do things where no one has the chance of paying you back and you will genuinely begin to live in a state of Love!

Hope this helps!


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​© 2017 by Barry Tubbs Ministries

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