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So thankful to live in such a wonderful town. I heard a minister recently say that the only number you can add to another number and it mean nothing is "0". My question to myself is, "Do I make my town better?" Anytime I join something, whether it's a town, a church or a job I need to purpose to add to it, not just take from it.

Proverbs 30:15 says "The horse-leach hath two daughters, crying, Give, Give. There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough"

I know right, it's such an encouraging verse! But if you read on in the scripture it talks about things that are never satisfied and always want more, no matter how much you give - Death, Fire and today Taxes! However, I want to determine in my life to give more than I take and add more than I subtract. In life, there are Suckers and Sowers, two types of people who, by the word that describes them, you can ascertain what their traits are. I have to ask myself in every encounter, every situation in life, what category do I fit into?

Ok, so now I'll be transparent! Yikes! When I was a child I spoke as a child, talked like a child and acted like a child, but when I became a man... I DIDN'T put away childish things! As I grew up and became an adult I transferred childish actions into an adult life. I looked at every relationship and circumstance as potential income for my selfish nature. I worked well in the "ministry of hints", you know this ministry don't you?! It's where just about every conversation with someone turns into what they need or are lacking without actually coming out and saying it. These conversations are usually accompanied with long pauses and longing looks, hoping the other person will catch the unspoken request.

Now, this was years ago, in case you think it was last week! Well, actually that's a stretch, I deal with it all the time! But the closer I get to the Lord the less I care about me and the more I care about others. I was a terribly crafty manipulator going as far to con people really close to me to satisfy my "GIVE ME, GIVE ME!", like Proverbs says! We all deal with it to an extent, but some of us more than others. My wife on the other hand is a natural Life-Giver, no matter where she goes, she lights up the room when she walks in. When she's in a conversation, the person she's talking to actually thinks, nay believes, they are important! You know why? Because she believes they are! As for me, I combat this selfish drive by simply remaining silent when I sense my motives shifting. After all, I'm the only one who knows the motives of my heart besides Holy Spirit.

So I learn from her and others around me to "add to" rather than "subtract from", to be a lifestyle giver, instead of a taker. It's in that place of true generosity of life that I find a purpose worth pursuing, a life worth living. Even when I encounter a hard time I must find a way to give into someone or something and by doing that I sacrifice my natural desires and become a part of the giving nature of God which actually get's me closer to my goal or need, whatever it may be!

In the Old Testament, the Fire of God never fell until there was a sacrifice offered. So now in the New Testament, even though we don't offer physical sacrifices, we offer spiritual ones that will attract the Fire of Heaven. We are called a "living sacrifice" who are to be holy and acceptable to Him. The only problem with being a living sacrifice is that sometimes I crawl off the alter! But if I stay there and continually offer the Lord my best, He pours out more than I can handle. Sometimes it's hard, but it'a always worth it! So tomorrow when you go to be a part of the largest movement on the earth, go with a fervor and intention to offer yourself to the Lord and His children.

I just declare Radical Favor on your day!


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