I’ve been in the Faith movement, or Word of Faith stream, my whole life just about, and one thing’s for sure, you can only ride coat-tails so long. For me, it was hanging onto my mom and dad’s faith for as long as I could. As I grew older, I realized that, while I had “seen” faith in action and at work, I had rarely exercised it on my own. I was faced with the opportunity to really stand in faith in 1998.
It was September and our first child was on his way! Amy and I were extremely excited and overjoyed at the thought of having our initial addition to the Tubbs house. The day came on the 23rd and Amy was in labor for 12 hours. We’ve had homebirths with all our children, so I suppose that was a faith-step; but honestly, it was more of one for Amy than me! I think you know what I mean. Anyway, after Barry Elwood Tubbs III came, whom we call Trin, he had a major issue. His respiration rate was much too fast; so fast that it was dangerous.
That night was one of the longest of our lives to date. It was the only night any of our kids had slept with us! But during the night, we would both wake up and check his respirations… no change. We kept praying and believing and continued checking throughout the night into the next morning. If nothing changed quickly, we would have to go the Emergency Room. Let me take just a second to tell you something important! NEVER use your kids as “Faith Guinea pigs”! By that, I mean that a life-threatening situation with a child is never the time to start trying to strengthen your faith. I’ve done this and almost paid the ultimate price. Learn from my mistake and use wisdom.
Back to the story-- we had to have a miracle that morning, and I remember, as I was showering, I got intensely mad and began to yell at the enemy. I was fighting mad: this was my son, and I would not have him suffer any longer. I distinctly remember the moment: when I got out of the shower and went into the living room of our small, 2-bedroom home, our midwife was there, and she announced to us that his breathing was normal and healthy. We were ecstatic, relieved and thankful to the Lord for our upbringing in Faith.
Red Stegall, the Cowboy Poet, once penned, “Unless you’ve won the battle and until you’ve fought the war, the taste of victory isn’t quite so sweet.” I couldn’t agree more! Life is full of challenges and trials; just because you get saved doesn’t mean you are exempt; in fact, it means that the pressure intensifies at times, especially when you dream beyond your ability. I can’t explain how faith works on every level, but I do know this… IT WORKS! I was with my dad recently and I told him over coffee, “You know, dad, it’s one thing to say you live by faith, but it's an entirely different thing to do it.” This is the reason Nike, which means Victory in Greek, struck gold with their ad slogan, “Just do it!”
That mantra will never get old because it always works! You will have to do something to get anywhere, and, when God calls you to a vision that exceeds your talent and savings account, you will have a choice to take steps forward or shrink back in fear. I want to remind you, though, that fear is only as big as you allow it to be, and God is only found in forward motion. I have been given some dreams from the Lord that, quite frankly, get attacked daily with the wind and waves of doubt and unbelief. So, every day, the first thing I do is to enact my faith in the Image of Hope He has given me. The truth is that all I must do is believe in His Word above the enemy’s doubt! That’s all any of us are required to do, and, when He says step, then we step. Proverbs says, “A man’s heart determines his way, but the Lord directs his steps!” So, it’s clear to me that I don’t have to have it all figured out on the front end! After all, it’s usually in the “HOW” that most people quit! So why is that?
It’s because the How is not our department. It’s God’s department and responsibility to fund the mission He sends you on! There’s no military force in the world that sends soldiers out, at their own expense, to complete a mission. The Master of our Mission does not do it either. He intends to provide and supply at every turn, and He will if we remain in restful reliance, trusting that He holds His WORD above His name and must perform what He has said!
Stretch your faith. Ask God for a vision that you have no idea how it can be done or funded, and let Him birth an image in you that will shake the nations and confront humanity with a Loving Savior.
Believing this helps!