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Wow, talk about getting better as you gain years!

The older you get the more you know, or the more you should know! Psalm 71:18 Says "So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come." (ESV) There are over 48 verses in the Word specifically addressing growing older. The Lord must have put those in there for a reason. It's because people as they get older begin to think there is no more use or that the "good old days" were better! However the bible says in Ecclesiastes 7:10 Say not, “Why were the former days better than these?” For it is not from wisdom that you ask this!" Whoa that's a pretty straight forward verse about talking about the "good old days!" In Proverbs it says "The path of the righteous is like the rising of the sun, it get brighter and brighter." Aren't we supposed to go from "Glory to Glory" and "Faith to Faith"? Or is that just to the age of retirement at 65 or in the 70's when things start going downhill?! There is nothing that irritates me more than people who are older making jokes about losing their mind! Making statements regarding their loss of faculties! At the time Moses was taken to Heaven at the ripe age of 120 it was said that his eyes were not dim and his natural strength was not diminished. Man that is awesome, he was as strong as ever! You know something all these scriptures have in common is that no matter your age, you have something great to offer humanity. I just finished talking to our SALT (Seasoned Adults Living Triumphantly) group here at our church. I told them "it's not time to re-tire, it's time to re-fire!" There is no word for "retire" in the Hebrew language because it was not a concept so don't let it become a concept for you. I have seen aged people do great things, lead great armies and stand in the face of death and scare it off. Smith Wigglesworth, one of the great revivalist and healing ministers of the early 1900's didn't start his ministry until he was in his 60's! And he was radical in everything he did. Your time is not over, it has not come to an end, if you have a breathe in your lungs then it should be declaring the wonders of King Jesus to the next generation, your hands should be touching people with the Love of a Wonderful Father. Then people will look at you and say "Man, look at them go, nothing could hold them back!" Isn't that better than "Aww, look at those old folks!"? It's never too late and you're never too old to make a difference in someone's life. Let's don't just talk about Jesus, let's be Jesus!

Blessings and Favor, Barry

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