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There is no Prize without a price!

Life is full of treasure if I'm willing to dig for it, but it doesn't come just because I want it. I've noticed in church life that so many want a position without really counting the costs of what it takes to get there and then keep it. Oftentimes, in my life I thought that when I arrived at my desired "position" that I no longer had to do what it took to get me there, but as I've gone forward in life, I've discovered the truth; What get's you to a place, keeps you in the place. Jesus was the biggest servant of all. On the night of the Last Supper, the last time He would see the guys, while He was being betrayed, He showed us the importance of serving by taking His outer garment off, wrapping a towel around his waist and then beginning to wash the disciples feet. Simply amazing, The King of Ages, the Son of Eternity knowing who He was, humbled Himself to be like us, to show us how to operate. BTW, He still does today! My point is that servanthood gets you everything, but you have to lose who you are in the one who gave everything to get there. I will not value the prize without a price and in consistency lies the key! One of the greatest lessons I ever learned was from Keith Moore. I was taking him to an airport for my dad (about 20 years ago) and it was about a 45 minute drive to his plane. We were almost there and it had been quite the whole way. I should have been used to that because my dad is the same way, we can go hours in a car without a word. Anyway, I was young and eager and ready to share my "deep" revelation with a minister I really respected. So with only minutes left in the trip I spilled the beans about my bright future and asked him if he had any advice for me. And then... SILENCE!!! Like awkward silence, he never even looked at me... and after what seemed like an eternity (probably 30 seconds), he spoke! I was on pins and needles by then, waiting for gold to spill from his lips and he said... "Be consistent!" And that was the end of the conversation! Now at the time I was a bit miffed; Here I have spilled all my innermost hopes and dreams and this is all you have to give me?! REALLY!?! It's only in retrospect that I realize that was the very word I needed, even though I didn't see it at the time. Although his words were few, they were mighty, and those simple words have got me through many hard times and difficulties, as well as propelled me to victory in many areas. So what is the price for the prize? "Be consistent!"

This helped me alot, hope it helps you,


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