I am learning to ask myself, where does that question or thought come from, a place of fear or a place of faith. Naturally speaking, fear is the voice we are accustomed to most, until we develop our spiritual ears and tune into the voice of faith. Fear requires no effort, but faith is an acquired and costly pursuit. It definitely takes more effort, but the thing is it yields a great harvest.
The longer I go on in life, the more I'm interested in what I will leave behind and how humanity will have changed for my being here. I'm not longer satisfied to leave without making a dent! It's the same for the Global Church. It's time for the Being of Christ to stand up and be counted. There's too much at stake and so many people longing for the accepting voice of Father God. We are that voice, we are the change, we are the catalyst for bringing Heaven to Earth.
Time is going to pass no matter how you spend it. It is the only un-renewable resource we have, so we need to spend it well. Not regretting the time we lost to bad decisions but looking forward to squeezing all the goodness out of the time we have left in this life. The magnificent thing is that according to Ephesians 5:15-16, which says "15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.", when we make the most of every moment the time is redeemed. That means that as I pursue the Goodness of God then He redeems time I lost to stupidity! What a deal, He is the only one who can redeem time because He lives outside of the time realm.
The word redeeming in the Greek means "to buy up or rescue from loss!" So while the time can't be regained, future time can be multiplied and enhanced to make up for time squandered. If we will simply give our time to the Lord He will make the most of it and create a time momentum through us that propels His will and purpose for our lives!
Live today like time is money and invest it wisely.