In order for us to get where God has for us to go, all we have to do is what He tells us to do, leaving any desire for the world's approval behind. I say this because a Heavenly perspective never reflects a natural reality. Your God-Dream will most likely be diametrically opposed and outlandishly foolish to the world around you.
But God!!! I love those two words, because they always add fuel to my fire and primer to my pump. But God is setting you up, however foolish it may look, to be a light in the darkness and a spot of His Glory in the earth. Look at the children of Israel in the Land of Goshen! There was darkness all around, but not where they stood! Plagues and disaster just over the border of their land, but not among their company.
Don't you think that was crazy to the world around them? It had to have been! The longer I live life, the more I realize that my life won't make sense to the world around me, but God will get Glory through the steps of faith I take on His word alone. If I want ridiculous increase then I have to be wiling to endure the ridicule that comes with it. How ineffectively inept did the Israelites, marching around the first city that they would take in their new land of promise, think it was to walk for seven days around the walls of a city and on the seventh, shout, blow trumpets and the walls would come down?
I mean, really think about it! It was madness to think you could possess a fortified city that way! But God... used the praise before the victory to lead His children into a land prepared for their use and He received all the Glory!
So what outlandish thing has Father God asked you to do, that quite frankly you have no way of accomplishing? All I know is that if He has asked you to do it, then He will use you to prove it! He will use our steps of faith to manifest an alternate reality that those on the outside will look at and say "No way!" or "Who does he think he is?" or "What a fool!"
Let me tell you something though, I'd much rather look like a fool to the world than to play it safe and not believe that the same God that divided the Red Sea and used a small boy to defeat a huge giant can exhibit the same power in my life! When I take a step of faith with nothing beneath my feet to hold me up, then God get's the credit, God gets the Glory and the world sees a Mighty God.
Don't let the size of the battle derail you from the eminent victory ahead! Because with God all things are possible and there is no mountain you can't move through faith in His Word. 2 Corinthians 2:14 says "thanks be to God, who ALWAYS causes us to triumph..."
I'll never regret pursuing my dream and failing, but I'll always regret playing it safe in fear. For a winner, failure is simply fuel for the journey!