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Like Kind Begets Like Kind!

Whatever you are, you're children will be! If cycles of destruction and manipulation are not dealt with in your life then it will be passed on to the next generation. I've seen this time and time again and even in my own son. I tend to be short fused sometimes over things and raise my voice too quickly.

So when I see that come out in my son, I should not be surprised, because he's just doing what he's been taught! If I allow it to continue in my life then I will overlook it in his and make excuses for his behavior to defend mine. I have to be willing to say "I'm wrong!", own my failures and use it as a springboard for successful living. When I do that, my children will see it and follow suit.

If I continue in my bad behavior, I am sowing seeds of destruction and manipulation into my family that will reap a harvest for years to come. However, if I put down my pride and use the same energy for Godly living, then I will have a legacy of honor.

Choices!! The most powerful asset we have!



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​© 2017 by Barry Tubbs Ministries

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