Proverbs 4:20-27 in the Amplified bible says (paraphrased) "guard your heart with all vigilance and keep your eyes set straight before you, fix your gaze on your purpose!" Now, because I'm a Christ-Follower, my purpose is found in Him. Daniel 11:32b says "the people who KNOW their God, shall BE strong and DO great exploits. I just spoke a message two weeks ago (4/12) called "Unraveling Identity" and used this scripture, because it's so straightforward to find out who to know, how to be and that your doing comes out of that place.
The point to that scripture is that if I don't know who I am, I won't know how to be and I'll spend my life trying to prove who I am through my DOING! Which is backwards! But for the sake of this article, if I don't have those things in order then I can't keep my focus! Let's face it, we are in a world of distractions and I'm using one of the biggest ones to share with you right now. Facebook can be an awesome tool to use for productivity and getting important things out to folks or it can be an addiction that keeps me from my goals and success. It all depends on how I use it.
I have to make the decisions that determine the outcome of my life and not allow the distractions around me to get me off course. The first scripture I mentioned in Proverbs was from a man who lived in focus and out of focus throughout his life. Solomon was the wisest man to lead Israel, but he also was responsible, some scholars say, for a 300-400 year set back for the nation of Israel because of his love for foreign women among other things. Hezekiah was the one who brought Israel back to be a worshiping nation, but in the end he too became distracted by fame. My point is that no matter who you are or where you go, there will always be an opportunity to lose focus. We must celebrate the successes of our heros in the Word while learning from the failures.
Matthew 6:22 says "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." KJV. So the key to staying focused, if I'm seeing it right (play on words) is to find my being through my knowing who I am in Him and keep my eye on the prize. I can't allow people, circumstances or even my own desires draw my gaze from the One who sets my course and thereby I keep my course by gazing on Him. If I make the determination to follow Jesus at all cost, then it will cost a lot! There will be things I have to say "NO" to even when they are great things, but they may not be great for me.
I have to make decisions all the time as a leader of a church that may not sit right with people, because the idea presented doesn't compliment the vision of the house. If I, as a leader don't stay focused then how can I expect or require anyone else to? That's poor leadership at best and hypocritical at worst. And if I don't stay focused I won't be a leader for long. I am convinced that determined focus is the key to reach any of life's goals. However at the heart of that is Knowing who you are meant to Be!
I'd rather be great one one thing than be pretty good at five things! Jesus was great at one thing, being the Son of God come to earth and showing us how to live an extraordinary supernatural life. He showed us how to bring Heaven to Earth and change the course of history. You are a world changer, a history maker and when you fix your eyes on your purpose you can accomplish anything.
The Best is Ahead,