I’ve learned in life that if we will start paying attention to small details we can discover heavenly realities. It’s really the simple things that can bring the most clarity to life’s blessings and challenges.
At this moment, I am about 35,000 feet in the air on the way to Nashville with my awesome wife. We are taking the next step to seeing one of her dreams realized of making an album of original songs, with Steven Walker (our co-worship leader at The Way). You’ll never reach a destination without steps. Proverbs 21:31 says “the horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord”.
Although the victory comes from the supernatural interventions of the Lord, the preparation is largely our responsibility! On any journey of faith, you will have to stretch and move beyond your comfort zone. That’s Ok though, because when Jesus went to be with Papa God, He left us with Holy Spirit, The Comforter. So when we take steps that are uncomfortable and too big for us to accomplish all-together He meets us with Heaven’s resources to see His design come to pass in our lives.
Amy has dreamed for years about making an album, recording the songs God has downloaded to her, but we have often been over-taken by the magnitude of the task. However, we have made some quality decisions that this year (2015) we will see some dreams realized! Did you know that the dream God has planted in your heart has the potential for global impact? We can never relegate our dreams just to ourselves! God thinks beyond that. So realize that your dream, whatever it may be, is a “humanity dream”. An idea, invention, system or plan that can help shape humanity because Father God is not a single idea God, He’s a multi-level and multi-generational God (Ps. 37:23-26) in all His plans for us.
Now to the title of this article!
Steps to your goal, no matter how big or small, mean that focus, effort and discipline must become part of your life. Don’t worry though, passion for your calling makes the discipline tolerable! My point however is that, in order to reach any desire or dream you have, you will have to learn to go to a higher plane (excuse the pun, since I’m on one). As I looked out the window when we began to board the plane and as we took off, it was gloomy, wet, cold and nasty outside. But, when we began to accelerate and lift off things began to change. During the take off it was a bit rough and there was some turbulence, but when we kept pushing forward and as the plane climbed into the sky we noticed a stark difference bursting through the other side of the weather clouds.
White pillows of clouds beneath and clear skies ahead of us. Anyone who has flown much knows that the flying is better the higher you can get because the atmosphere becomes more stable. It’s always a struggle getting up, requires a lot of fuel and strength but is always worth it when you get there.
Isn’t this just like life? We have a great desire and hunger for the Presence of God, but it doesn’t just happen, does it? It takes effort and the willingness to forsake some things that will be a distraction from our goal. Let me tell you though, when you begin to thrust the engines of Hope with the Faith God has put in you, it becomes a journey well worth the cost and sacrifice it takes to gain victory!
You can apply this to any area of your life, no matter the issue your wanting to overcome, goal you’re wanting to reach or dream you want to realize. The best part to me is that when you make the sacrifice, God is so pleased and thrilled that you would move closer to Him by leaving things behind that weigh you down, that He applies His super to your natural and victory is eminent. Paul said in Philippians 4:13, that He could do all things through Christ which strengthened him. And this same strength is available to us to receive the victor’s crown in any area of life.
Today, I encourage you to take a step of faith towards the dreams and visions of Hope that God has placed in your heart. Remember, faith only works when the dream we have is bigger than we are. That is what excites our Father to and draws the supernatural resource of Heaven to see His children’s dreams come to pass. He loves you, is totally interested in you and wants to see you succeed.
Blessings and extreme favor,