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Mercy New

When the children of Israel were in the desert and received manna they tried to work off yesterday's provision when Father God clearly told them "Get the new supply in the morning! Don't save it overnight!" His mercy is the same way, it's new every morning and Great is His Faithfulness! I don't have to rely on yesterday's mercy! It's gone, it's old, it has been used! I have to rely on "In faith" that every day's challenge or opportunity has an overwhelming supply of mercy attached to it! There was always enough manna left over everyday so they would try and horde it and it would spoil. I've done that before, tried to rely on old ways for a new challenge!

It takes faith in the unseen that there will be provision where you can't see! But God! Oh, I love that statement! But God always provides and is faithful to His Word and cannot lie! If He fails His Word, He ceases to exist and that ain't happening! (Bad English but good words).

Our part??? Galatians chapter 6 says that "in due season we will reap if we faint not! That God is not mocked!" That means He will not be outdone, He will not be overcome and that my friends is who lives inside you and me!

Let's quit relying on yesterday's provision and believe that Jehovah Jirah, The God of Provision, has new provision everyday for exactly what that day needs! Remember Mercy isn't just for sins and mess-ups it's the entrance to the presence of Almighty God! In the Old Testament, the Ark of The Covenant was covered by the Mercy Seat!

You have to get through the Mercy to get to the Presence! Why? Because that's Reliance on the Power available to us that we didn't earn and could never have without... You guessed it, the Mercy of God!

He has everything we need for every day we face, but it all comes through His Mercy!

Hope this helps,

Barry Tubbs

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​© 2017 by Barry Tubbs Ministries

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